Professor Hilary Kennedy Chair

Emeritus Professor in Chemical Oceanography at Bangor University, Hilary Kennedy is a biogeochemist whose research focusses on wetland carbon cycling and greenhouse gas emissions and removals, with particular interest in coastal ecosystems and their role in mitigating climate change.
Professor Eric Achterberg

Professor of Marine Chemistry at University of Kiel and GEOMAR, Eric Achterberg’s research interests include Open Ocean Biogeochemistry, Global Change and Ecosystem Functioning, study of nutrient and (in) organic carbon and trace element distributions, study of trace element behaviour and speciation (incl. colloids and nanoparticles) and the interactions with geochemical and biological processes, development and application of in-situ sensors for nutrients and carbonate chemistry variables.
Professor Colin Jones

Professor in the School of Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds and a NCAS core scientist, Colin Jones heads the joint Met Office/NERC UKESM project.
Professor Anya Waite

Associate Vice-President Research (Ocean) of Dalhousie University and Scientific Director and CEO of the Ocean Frontier Institute, Anya Waite is a biological oceanographer who studies nitrogen fluxes in polar oceans and particle dynamics in mesoscale eddies.
Professor Judith Hauck

Deputy head of Marine Biogeosciences at the Alfred Wegener Institute and head of Helmholtz Young Investigator Group Marine Carbon and Ecosystem Feedbacks in the Earth System (MarESys), Judith Hauck’s research interests include current and future ocean carbon uptake, feedbacks between climate and biogeochemical cycles, anthropogenic carbon distribution, Southern Ocean, ecosystem modelling.
Professor Paul Halloran

Associate Professor in Oceans and Climate at the University of Exeter, Paul Halloran and his research group are focued on the role of the oceans within climate change, with a focus on biogeochemical cycling, variability and predictability.
Professor Richard Sanders

ICOS Ocean Thematic Centre Director, Richard Sanders is based at the Norwegian Research Centre and his research interests include the Biological Carbon Pump, the biologically mediated storage of carbon in the oceans interior which controls climate, land ocean carbon transfers and the oceanic uptake of CO2 from the atmosphere.
Lionel Guidi

CNRS Oceanographer/Biogeochemist at the “Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche”. Lionel’s research interest spans from plankton diversity to the Ocean Carbon Cycle with a focus on the Biological Carbon Pump (BCP) linking the two topics through the use of standard biogeochemical approaches combine with imaging and genomics methods.